Digitaalisen ohjauksen ja digitaitojen harjoittelun mallien edellytyksiä työpajatoiminnassa
Kolehmainen Marjo
Haluamme lukea opiskelijapalautteista, että oppiminen on huikean ihanaa!
Kuosa Kirsi
Digitaaliset oppitunnit opetuksen avuksi
Tomi Rautaoja
Digiosaajaksi yhdessä oppien ja kokeillen- oppimisympäristö digitaitojen vahvistamiseen vammaistyöss
Keskikuru Sanna
Suomen kielen sanastoa sähköisessä ympäristössä
Enges Petra
Ryhmässä oppiminen kukoistamaan
Virtanen Teemu
Innostu osaamismerkeistä
Sjöblom Merja
DigiLukiseula – luku- ja kirjoitustaidon digitaalinen arviointivälineistö luokille 1 - 9
Riikka Heikkilä
Posteri: Lukioiden aineenopettajien sijaisuudet, erityisopetus ja opinto-ohjaus online-opetuspalvelun kautta
Oksa Jukka
Energia-alan ammatillinen jatkokouluttautuminen mikrokurssien avulla
Gröndahl Hanna
There is currently a global shortage of healthcare professionals. Qualification requirements for nurses are at various levels in different countries. Fast and flexible measurement of nurse qualifications would be especially important for legalization processes to run successfully and quickly. Nursing work has been studied extensively for decades. The measurement of nursing competence based on the recommendations of the European Nursing Framework is standardized as the basis of competence measurement in Finland. In additional, nursing skills have been studied in different frameworks. It has been showed, which would be the most key areas of competence to be measured. The purpose of the research is to find different digital assessment metrics that measure competence at the right levels. The research method included a systematic literature review based on the model proposed by Fink (2020), which includes seven steps. This study was limited to full-text, peer-reviewed academic studies, dissertations, and graduate nurses' competency and clinical skills were assessed in the workplace. A review of the literature showed that there are very few digital measures that assess the competence. Few simulated situations that are standardized and produce a competency assessment have been developed, such as the OSCE.
I am in the initial stages of the research and have completed the literature review. I want to highlight how, for example, the shortage of nurses in Finland can be eliminated with technical innovations. With the help of a poster, it is good to bring a national and international phenomenon to the fore, and with it you get wider visibility than, for example, a single presentation.