Interaktiivinen Tekniikka Koulutuksessa -konferenssi 2024
Opiskelijahyvinvointia digitaalisia oppimisympäristöjä kehittämällä
Sintonen Sanna
Kekäläinen Heli
Hybridioppimisen iloa kasvattamassa
Kaikki hiffaa digiä! - yhdenvertaisia digitaitoja tavoittelemassa
Horila Mikko
Teknostressin hallinta lähi- ja etäopetustilanteissa
Mehtälä Saana
Vopeka ja Jopeka varhaiskasvatuksen ja esiopetuksen digiosaamisen arviointityökalut
Teppo Terhi
H5P-työkaluilla verkkotehtäviä ja oppimateriaaleja
Laakso Matleena
Miten opetan tekoälyä oppilaille? Generation AI hankkeessa kehitetty oppimateriaali auttaa!
Laru Jari
Laajennettu todellisuus opetuksessa
Lahti Aleksi
Digi-ihana vaka ja esiopetus - digitaalinen digisuunnitelma
Väinä Annika
- Basic education/general upper secondary education: Principals and leaders
- Basic education: Subject teachers
- Class teachers
Poster in pdf format
This poster presents the ongoing research projects at Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) research group. ILE is a research and education group that focuses on the advancements of teaching and learning 21st-century skills. The field includes co-design, implementation, and evaluation of technologies, spaces and approaches fostering learning and wellbeing in all educational levels and contexts. Attention is also given to eco-social sustainability and education.The ILE group has an extensive national and international network of research institutes, the public sector, and companies. ILE group’s current projects, funded by European and Finnish agencies, deal with transversal and digital competencies, computational thinking, STEAM learning, social and emotional education, and technology-enhanced physical learning environments. Focus is, for instance, on the use of emerging technologies, virtual labs, and 3D-printing in education. The projects seek ways to enhance joyfulness as well as physical, cognitive, social and emotional both learning and wellbeing.