Interaktiivinen Tekniikka Koulutuksessa -konferenssi 2024
LogTracker - Analytiikka oppijan ohjauksen tukena
Vihmalaakso Jarmo
Virtuaalitodellisuus opetuksessa, yhteistyö ja vuorovaikutus
Mattila Maria
Oppilaiden ohjelmoinnillisen ajattelun arviointi ja kehittäminen digitaalisessa oppimisympäristössä
Lehtonen Daranee
Putkentaivutuksen VR-sovellus
Mika Aaltonen
Haastavia asiakaspalvelutilanteita virtuaaliympäristössä
Koponen Laura
Tule mukaan: Computational Thinking ongelmanratkaisutaitona perusopetuksessa
Markkanen Aleksi
Tee itse sparrattu tekoälybotti
Kalliolehto Jukka
Opetustoimen tietosuojan ABC
Anttila Natasa
Pelikasvatus 6.-9. luokkalaisten oppimisen tukena
Järvenpää Timo
Digital Literacy and Digital Presence in Finnish Classrooms
Vallery Michael
- Luokanopettajat
- Perusaste/lukio: Rehtorit ja johtajat
- Peruskoulun aineenopettajat
The first years of 2020’s have been burdensome time for children and young people as well as for educators tackling with the learning and wellbeing loss. A need for active learning strategies for health, wellbeing and growth mindset has been recognised. Digital tools have been of great help when organising education in diverse situations. There are also, digital solutions such as wearable devices available that provide data that can be used to support wellbeing. On the other hand, there is a need for reaching digital balance and digital well-being.
A European Erasmus + project with participants from Austria, Finland, Luxemburg, and Romania presented in this forum seeks to equip primary and lower-secondary school teachers to plan, organise, apply and innovate pedagogical methods and tools and promote their students and their own well-being based on a well-being competence framework developed in the project. The focus is particularly on making pre- and in-service teachers as well as the larger educational community aware of the importance of increasing well-being at schools. Activities to achieve our goals include
- developing and promoting a well-being competence framework for teachers and a recommendation for policymakers
- developing a MOOC to promote well-being at school and pilot it in a blended framework, including certification training in Finland
- sharing results through the website, social media, and four multiplier events, the "Joyful School Fairs".
The main results of the project will be a well-being competence framework for primary and lower-secondary teachers, recommendations for curriculum development in participant countries, a sustainable MOOC, a blended course, and "Joyful School Fairs" for promotion and awareness raising.