ITK Publication guidelines

General guidelines for preparing articles for the ITK Publication

1. Choose a topic

Select a topic related to your expertise and interests—most importantly, to your ITK presentation. The topic should be relevant to your target audience. 

2. Define the Target Audience

Who is the intended audience for your article? A professional article can be directed, for example, to colleagues, students, or a broader audience.

3. Plan the Structure

A professional article should follow a clear structure, such as a title, introduction, main body, conclusions, and possibly a reference list. A well-structured article helps readers easily follow your argument.

Article length: 3–5 pages (9,000–15,000 characters).

4. Introduction

Start with a strong and engaging introduction that captures the readers’ interest in the topic. Define the purpose and key message of your article.

5. Use Clear Language

Avoid excessive technical jargon unless your audience is highly specialized. Explain concepts and terms that might be unfamiliar to readers.

6. Provide Arguments and Justifications

Well-supported arguments and strong reasoning are the cornerstones of a professional article. Use evidence, research findings, and examples to strengthen your claims.

7. References and Bibliography

Include proper citations in your article and provide a bibliography at the end, referencing previous studies, sources, and resources that support your arguments.

For references and citations, use the following style:

APA7 (American Psychological Association):

  • In-text citations (in parentheses):

    • ​Include the author's last name, publication year, and page numbers (if specific pages are referenced). If referring to the entire source, omit the page numbers.


      (Surname, 2024, 123-136)
    • Surname (2024, 123-136)
    • (Surname & Surname, 2024)

  •  • Bibliography at the end of the article:
    • Examples:

      Surname, N. (2024). Title of the publication. Publisher.
    • Surname, N. & Surname, N. (2024). Title of the publication. Publisher.

Tip: Refer to the APA7 guidelines by​ Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and example documents.

8. Use Graphics and Images

When necessary, include charts, tables, or images to illustrate your data and findings.

9. Write Clearly and Concisely

Aim to express your thoughts clearly and concisely. Avoid lengthy sentences and complex language unless essential.

10. Edit and Proofread

Dedicate time to editing and proofreading your article to ensure it is error-free and easy to read.

11. Address Ethical Considerations

Ensure you adhere to ethical principles of academic research, such as proper citation of sources and compliance with ethical standards.

12. Technical Guidelines and Template

Submit your completed and reviewed article as an RTF file via email to

You can use the attached document as a template and for technical writing instructions:


Remember: Writing a professional article requires careful planning and effort. Take the time for research, writing, and editing to produce a high-quality article that provides value to your readers.