ITK Doctoral Consortium
digital learning environments | technology-enhanced teaching and learning | educational technology | art & media education
Call for Papers:
ITK Doctoral Consortium 23.4.2025
ITK Doctoral Consortium provides a face-to-face opportunity for doctoral researchers to present their project in a safe, friendly and stimulating environment. The participants will receive formative feedback from their peers and senior researchers in the field. The Doctoral Consortium is free for participants.
The ITK Doctoral Consortium has the following four objectives:
- Provide time and space where doctoral researchers can present their research and meet other researchers in the field.
- Provide feedback on doctoral research outside their home institution.
- Build a network of scholars and collaboration over institutional borders.
- Provide a platform for future postdocs to meet with their potential future colleagues.
We invite doctoral researchers whose work is in the fields of digital learning environments, technology-enhanced teaching and learning, educational technology, and art & media education to apply for this opportunity.
We aim to have participants that are in different stages in their doctoral research to build zones of proximal development for all. For example, the ITK Doctoral Consortium is a good place to present your research plan, results from a sub-study or summary of your thesis.
ITK Doctoral Consortium 2025 Best Presentation Award
After the Doctoral Consortium meeting, the program committee will select the best presentation, and the award-winning author will be invited to the following year’s ITK conference (free entrance and a possibility to present their research in the main ITK conference).
Important Dates
28.2.2025: Doctoral Consortium submission closes at 23:59.
10.3.2025: Notifications of acceptance (latest).
23.4.2025: ITK Doctoral Consortium.
Preparing and Submitting
Abstract (max. 2000 characters)
A list of three key readings that have influenced your research with one paragraph description each (max. 2000 characters).
Information about the university, department, year of study, supervisors and advisors.
All submissions and presentation in English.
Program Committee
Elisa Vilhunen (chair), Postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki; Teemu Leinonen, Professor/Vice Rector, University of Arts Helsinki; Jarmo Viteli, Research Director, Tampere University; Heli Ruokamo, Professor/Director, University of Lapland; Marjaana Veermans, Professor, University of Turku; Laura Hirsto, Professor/Vice Rector, University of Eastern Finland; Jari Laru, University Lecturer, University of Oulu.