Interaktiivinen Tekniikka Koulutuksessa -konferenssi 2021
Developing Key Competencies and Subject-Based Learning by Computational Thinking and Robotics
Arts Crafts Creativity Education technology Good practices Learning environments Mathematics Programming Robotics
Sijainti: Esityssali 12 -
Puheenjohtaja: Pekka Ollikainen
Ajankohta: 2.12.2021 15.00 - 15.30 (30 minuuttia)
Developing Key Competencies and Subject-Based Learning by Computational Thinking and Robotics
PhD , jossa Fenyvesi Kristof
PhD , jossa Fenyvesi Kristof

We invite everyone for an experiential session in computational thinking and educational robotics. Participants can try computer science-based modeling, programming and robot construction toolkits and pedagogical approaches, which can contribute to innovative learning environments in today's schools. The aim of the introduced activities is to enhance both subject-based learning and key competence development in basic education. Participants can experiment on how to use computer science-based modeling and programming in teaching and learning different school subjects. They can try project-based learning activities with physical robots. Participants also invited to explore opportunities to go beyond the subject-based education by increasing creativity, solving real-world problems and contribute to the advancement of key competences through gamified/funnified approaches, mainly in the following areas:

  • Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, and engineering;  

  • Digital competence; 

  • Personal, social and learning to learn competence;

  • Entrepreneurship competence.

 In alignment with the transportable skills- and competence-oriented turn in education, our activity session will put the main emphasis on the interactive components of learning and the combination of formal with non-formal learning and informal learning approaches. Our goal is that participants can bring some ideas back to their work.

The frameworks, pedagogical approaches, methods, models, and toolkits introduced in this activity session have been developed in various EU Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ and Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture-supported research projects. The session is conducted in Finnish and English.