Interaktiivinen Tekniikka Koulutuksessa -konferenssi 2019
Ohjelmoinnin perusteet lukiossa ja yläkoulussa
LUDO - LUkiolaisen DigiOpas
Miten interaktiivisten kuvien luominen kehittää monilukutaitoa ja tieto- ja viestintäteknologista osaamista?
Etäopiskelua ja luentojen tallennusta
Mitä innovatiivisia teknologioita koulujen kannattaa hankkia?
Työväline varhaiskasvatuksen TVT-osaamisen arviointiin ja kehittämiseen
Onnistunut oppilaitosrakennushanke
Microsoft Teams-workshop
Saavutettavaa digioppimista rakentamassa
ITK Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for current doctoral candidates to present their project in a safe, friendly and stimulating environment. The candidates will receive formative feedback from a group of distinguished researchers and their peers.
The ITK Doctoral Consortium has the following four objectives:
Provide time and space where doctoral candidates can present their research and meet other candidates;
Provide feedback and perspectives on candidates research from senior researchers and other candidates outside their home institution;
Promote a national network of supportive scholars and collaboration over institutional borders;
Provide a platform for future postdocs to meet with their potential future colleagues.
We invite doctoral candidates whose research is in the fields of learning environments, technology-enhanced teaching and learning, educational technology and media education to apply for this opportunity. We aim to have candidates that are in different stages in their research to build meaningful zones of proximal development for all. The participating candidates, however, are expected to have a clear topic and research approach. For instance, the Doctoral Consortium is a good forum to present research on which the candidate is at present writing an article. The participation is free of charge.
A selected number of participating doctoral candidates will be invited to submit a full paper to an academic publication forum (JuFo 1). Your submission and presentation can be in English, Finnish or Swedish.
Important Dates
7.1. - 4.2.2019 Doctoral Consortium application time. Submission closes at 23:59.
28.2.2019 Doctoral Consortium participant notifications
20.3.2019 ITK Doctoral Consortium